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Worksheet Set „Nonviolent Communication“ (NVC)


Digital PDF download therapy tool worksheet set: „Nonviolent Communication“ according to Marshall B. Rosenberg

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Nonviolent communication according to Marshall B. Rosenberg

Nonviolent communication (NVC) is an approach to communication developed by Marshall Rosenberg that aims to promote understanding, compassion and needs-based interaction in interpersonal relationships. The core of nonviolent communication is to listen empathically and communicate clearly and respectfully in order to resolve conflicts and establish a deeper connection.

This approach is based on four steps:

  1. Observation: An objective description of a situation without evaluation or interpretation.
  2. Feeling: Expressing your own emotions in relation to the observed situation. It is important to distinguish between feelings and thoughts and to express your feelings clearly and honestly.
  3. Need: Identifying the underlying needs that are causing these feelings. Understanding your own needs and the needs of others enables better connection and cooperation.
  4. Ask: Concrete and positive requests for action aimed at meeting the needs of everyone involved. It is about asking clearly and respectfully rather than making demands.

This worksheet set consists of three therapy tools and an example form. In addition to the four steps of non-violent communication, the differences between feelings and so-called non-feelings are also discussed and the basic attitude, including DOs and DON’Ts, is presented.

This therapy tool is also included in the English Worksheets Mega Bundle which includes all English worksheets in one download at a 10% rebate.

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