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Worksheet „Kiesler Circle“


Digital PDF download therapy tool worksheet: „Kiesler Circle.“

Communication styles – The Kiesler Circle

The Kiesler circle was developed by Donald Joseph Kiesler and describes different communication styles on two main axes. On the vertical axis, we move between „submissive“ and „dominant“ communication and on the horizontal axis, communication can be „hostile,“ „friendly“ and everything in between. The attributes can be combined with each other so that dominant- friendly, submissive- friendly, dominant- hostile and submissive- hostile communication can be represented in the Kiesler circle.

According to Kiesler, we follow rules in our communication behavior so that a certain response is given to a certain communication (friendly-friendly, hostile-hostile, dominant-submissive and vice versa).

The Kriesler Circle helps to classify and consciously change one’s own communication style in a situation-specific and cross-situational manner. The Kiesler Circle is used in group and couples therapy, in social skills training and boundary training and in CBASP.

This worksheet illustrates and explains the Kiesler Circle model and helps your patients and clients to repeatedly place themselves in the model and consciously adapt their own communication style where necessary.

You receive 2 downloads of this worksheet- one in color and one printer-friendly black and white version.

This therapy tool is also included in the English Worksheets Mega Bundle which includes all English worksheets in one download at a 10% rebate.

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