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Worksheet „Self-Care Bingo“


Digital PDF download therapy tool worksheet: „ „Self-Care Bingo“

Kategorie: Schlagwort:

It is hard to hide that successful self-care is our motto. And in theory, my patients also think self-care is really great. When it comes to putting it into practice, however, there are often problems, and often times, there are many reasons for this. One of these reasons could possibly be the way we convey the “therapy homework.” “Take more care of yourself!”  Unfortunately it sounds cliché and not really fun.

So let’s increase the fun factor and start „gaming” the topic of self-care with…

Self-Care Bingo!!!

You can play alone against yourself (e.g. “How long does it take me to complete a row of 5?”), together with the therapist (“Look, Mrs. Therapist, I’ve completed a star pattern of self-care!”) or even in a group (“Who will be the first to complete a row of 5? Who will complete the whole card?”).

The worksheet is deliberately instruction-free in order to leave all possible games open and room for ideas. The download comes with 2 worksheets- 1x (reasonably) colorful pdf and 1x printer-friendly black and white, as always you will receive both files with your purchase.

This therapy tool is also included in the English Worksheets Mega Bundle which includes all English worksheets in one download at a 10% rebate.

Technische Infos

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