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Worksheet “Positivity Journal”


Digital PDF download therapy tool worksheet: “Positivity Journal”

Our patients and clients often have the impression that their lives are full of negative sensations and experiences; they see everything as “black”, or gray at best. The attention focus of people suffering from a depressive disorder, for example, is “dark” and constantly highlights the unpleasant aspects of life. The flexibility to look at the positive is significantly limited.

Your job is to teach these patients the concept of consciously redirecting their attention – because, of course, not only bad things happen, the bad is just processed more often by appropriately “trained” brains and sent into the consciousness. By consciously directing attention towards positive experiences, the corresponding neuronal networks are stimulated and trained, so that, after a certain period of time, they automatically produce positive thoughts again.

An excellent method of training “positive thoughts” is to keep a positivity journal. Your patients or clients can do this easily with the worksheet available here after a short training phase (the first positive thoughts are always the most difficult). Simply enter the date at the top and then collect the positive thoughts: What went well? What felt good? What can I be proud of?

The “Positivity Journal” therapy tool is a must-have in positive psychology and can be used across all disorders.

This therapy tool is also included in the English Worksheets Mega Bundle which includes all English worksheets in one download at a 10% rebate.

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