The „Negative Thoughts Journal“ is a record which documents dysfunctional thoughts and the emotions associated with them. It is used in behavioral therapy to help patients develop a sense of their thought patterns and emotional reactions to certain events. Labeling and becoming aware of negative thoughts is the first necessary step in distancing oneself from them. In the second step, cognitive restructuring processes should be stimulated by formulating friendly, less dysfunctional thoughts.
Before you use this tool with your patients or clients, you should have already worked through what „negative thoughts“ are (using the tool Cognitive Distortions), what consequences they have (the worksheet set ABC Model covers this topic), and how they can be questioned (using the pdf download: Challenge Negative Thoughts). Once these foundations have been laid, you can give your patients or clients the „Negative Thoughts Journal“ to take home with them as homework – because „practice makes perfect“.
You will receive two worksheets in this download, one with a heading and a second with more space for your own notes – you can print it out double-sided on an A4 page!
This therapy tool is also included in the English Worksheets Mega Bundle which includes all English worksheets in one download at a 10% rebate.
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